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Bialystok`s Jews in the Place

A series of meetings with special guests took place on 15 August. Thanks to the efforts of the Association of the Museum of Bialystok Jews, almost 70 people met with Mr Michael Nevins and Ms Beata Ruben.


The unique event began with a meeting with Michael Nevins, author of the book Voices fromthe Białystok Ghetto. Participants were able to hear, among other things, aboutthe author`s ancestors from Dąbrowa Białostocka. The meeting was chaired by Ms Elżbieta Smoleńska, who, together with Mr Michael, produced the film "Letter to Marc Chagall".


An hourlater, the meeting with Ms Beata Ruben began. Beata`s mother, Felicia Nowak, isthe author of the famous book `My Star`. Beata will talk about her mother, howshe survived the ghetto and who saved her.


The meeting concluded with a screening of the film `Pot of Gold`, dedicated to FelicjaNowak.


The event was held as part of the cultural programme of the Association of the Museum of Bialystok Jews related to the 80th anniversary of the Bialystok Ghetto Uprising.


2023-08-16 14:04:06